What should I eat before a game?
Should I be lifting weights?
Is stretching actually important?
I play 3 sports, is that too much on my body?
Future 50 Prep is here to answer those tough questions and provide you with vital information to keep our children safe from over working!
Session Dates-
August: 5, 12 & 26
September: 9, 9, 16, 23 & 30
Rain Dates-
October: 7 & 22
Future 50 Prep is comprised of 8 Fridays. Each session is an hour long. The first 20 minutes of each session is designed to educate athletes on the physical preparation needed for competition. Leaders in the fields of Nutrition, Strength Training, Stretching & Recovery will run the sessions. The remaining 40 minutes consist of speed and agility training.
Future 50 Prep is open to boys and girls.
· Pre competition
· Post competition
· How, Why & When?
Strength Training
· Age appropriate
· How, Why & When?
· Ballistic
· Dynamic
· Foam Rolling
· How, Why & When?
· Cold Tub
· Heating
· Protein shakes
· How, Why & When?
Expert Presenters:
Helena Svanstrom B.S. Physical Therapy
Graduated from University of South Florida in 1996 with a B.S in Wellness Leadership and then went on to earn a Physical Therapy degree in 1999 from University of North Florida. She has extensive experience in orthopedics with surgical to non- surgical conditions. During her 17 year career she has rehabilitated professional athletes such as swimmers, golfers and baseball players. Helena is a proud former two sport varsity athlete for USF in soccer and tennis.
Stephen Parker, M.S., CSCS, USAW
Currently an Assistant Athletic Performance Coach the University of South Florida, Parker has spent time at LSU, Southern Miss and MIssissippi State. He has worked with soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, football, volleyball, swimming & diving and cheerleading.
Adam Sayers, Ph.D in Human Performance, M.S., CSCS
Currently Sayers heads the recovery programs for the U.S. Women's National Team Program.
Michelle Latimer, M.A. in Exercise Science, ATC
Latimer has been an Athletic Training for nearly a decad. She is currently the head athletic traininer for the USA Softball Team as well as the men's and women's basketball team at USF. She was also the Athletic Trainer for Guyana Women's National Soccer Team and liason to the Chicago Red Stars.